PIG is a high-yield frictionless farming token. There is a 5% tax on every transaction: 3% is locked in liquidity 2% is distributed to PIG holders proportional to the amount of PIG held.
Enjoy easy farming without the complications of pairing assets for liquidity and risks of impermanent losses.
Fair Launch
PIG has been stealth launched. 100% of PIG supply was seeded as liquidity. That means no presale and no allocation to team members.
Liquidity is locked in Pancakeswap and the ownership of the contract has been transferred to the burn address.
100% Decentralised
No team allocation at launch means that PIG is 100% community led.
Hyperdeflationary Black Hole
50% of the supply has been sent to the Black Hole at launch . Because it is so massive, it will absorb a significant amount of the 2% tax distribution, resulting in exponential hyperdeflation.
Documentation :
Website : https://pigtoken.finance/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Pig_Finance
Telegram : https://t.me/PigTokenBSC
Contract Address : https://bscscan.com/token/0x8850d2c68c632e3b258e612abaa8fada7e6958e5
Exchange : https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x8850d2c68c632e3b258e612abaa8fada7e6958e5